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We are an International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages + much more!

Freeze Frame is Manitoba’s Media Arts Centre for Young People. The Centre is a not-for-profit and charitable organization, offering workshops and programs throughout the year, and organizes the International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages each spring. Freeze Frame strives to be an international leader in providing an enriching cinematic and multi-media experience through the delivery of diverse and innovative programming that educates, inspires and empowers children and youth. 

Freeze Frame provides educational opportunities for children and youth to explore the art of film making and multimedia, through screenings of international film and video and hands-on workshops in a multilingual and multicultural environment. In addition to the annual International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages, Freeze Frame conducts animation, video production, and media literacy workshops, as well as a variety of projects intended to provide an enriching cinematic and multi-media experience to Manitoba’s young people.


We are now accepting submissions for the 2025 Youth Video Contest!

For kids and youth who are busy making videos, our Youth Video Contest offers them the chance to have their creations screened and to compete for awards and great prizes.


Each year, budding film critics ages 11-16 are invited to apply for a chance to develop their skills as film critics.

Youth jury announcing their prize at the international film festival

The Youth Jury at Freeze Frame International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages 2018